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I turned to the internet for ideas and tips and stumbled across this site.Imp hoping to get a ton of knowledge from your website.
I do hope you will enjoy the site as much as I will in presenting it.
Alan Stratton
what i have veiwed upis very informifted to now could you not give aprox sizes quite hard at times to copy
I hesitate to give exact sizes. Part of the fun is determining what to do.
In this case, I used shop leftovers, so replicating is not a great idea.
Good luck designing and developing your eye for turning.
I am looking for alot of information on woodturning,
as I am getting started in this as a hobby.
I realy enjoyed the video I saw on You Tube. I am here to see what I can learn.
Thanks saw the top vid on utube
thanks for the youtube lessons I found them to be very informative
Thanks for watching and for your comment
Alan Stratton
Félicitations pour votre site et toutes les vidéos.
Merci beaucoup!
Many thanks for the information given in your interesting videos.
Best regards from Chile
Thank you for watching and your comment.
Alan Stratton
Your videos are very interesting. I have been turning for about a year now and I hope to to learn much much more by watching you doing your thing.
I’m glad you find them useful.
More coming…
Alan Stratton
Just wanted to say hello.I saw your entry in the Summers wooworking 2X4 contest and I started watching you vids. I am finding them a great source of info and ideas. Thanks for taking the time to put this all toghether!
I’m glad you’re finding them useful.
Be sure to add any projects you’d like to see – I may give them a try.
Alan Stratton
Hi hope to get a lot from your book. Problem I have not been able to down lode it. I think I have fall lode all you steps, but I don’t get to a place were I can down lode it.
Thank you
Tom Simmons
Boa Noite Alan, sou do Sul do Brasil. Gostaria de parabenizá-lo pelo Site, pelos vídeos e pelos ensinamentos que você transmite.
Como sou apaixonado pela tornearia de madeira, sempre pesquiso pela web esse assunto que para mim é fascinante.
Vou visitá-lo com frequencia pela internet, e se me permitir, compartilahar com meus amigos os seus trabalhos, que servirão como fonte de inspiração.
Um forte abraço e mais uma vez parabéns pelo seu trabalho.
Estou feliz que você encontrar os vídeos valioso.
Alan Stratton
i’m argentine woodturner
I’m glad to have you aboard. Que es su ciudad?
Alan Stratton
Maintenant que vous ne craignez plus de tourner des boules, pourriez vous nous en tourner une qui soit segmentée.
J’ai par ailleurs une difficulté avec votre bande son, votre sono est toulours en double !
Merci beaucoup pour vos différentes prestations.
Français habitant à Mauritius
Mais oui, je crois que je peux transformer un segment sphérique. continuer à surveiller.
vous etes tres bon et tres sympapathique, même pour un tourneur, c’est pas négligeable
Merci beaucoup
thanks for lesson you could also make this into a nice posh letter opener.
could you do some sheer scraping videos and any home made tools you have made to do this
I think for a letter opener I would have to more the secondary axes another notch outward. this would make the result more flat. It would be worth a try and avoid using a sander.
I’ll see what I can do about more tools and techniques.
Thanks for commenting.
Alan Stratton
thanks for postings enjoyable
Thanks for your postings. I enjoy your lessons.
Bonjour, Vos vidéos sont très intéressants.
J’espère apprendre beaucoup plus en les regardant,
et encore merci pour les leçons, j’ai trouvé qu’ils étaient très instructif!
thanks for the videos and all the tips. I enjoyed the doughnuts but thought what a waste of beautiful wood.That wood would have cost a lot of money in england. keep em coming thanks again
Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do with a difficult piece of wood. I have several pieces that I don’t dare cut into. Now that is a waste also.
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching and commenting.
Alan Stratton
I really liked you work on Woodturning Segmented Candy Bowl With Lid…Awesome!
You’re welcome.
Thanks for commenting.
Thank you for all of your videos. I have seen about all of your videos. I use your videos for learning tools. Thanks you , Bob
I’m glad to help you learn.
Thanks for commenting.
Alan Stratton
Many thanks for your videos, I know I will learn a great deal from you, so keep them coming.
Alan, I watch your videos all the time and I’m amazed at your creative nature and the outstanding quality. My wife bought me a small lathe for Christmas. Not an expensive lathe, 8×12 at Harbor Freight. Good for pens and small items. Not sure what I can do with it as being a novice. I haven’t used it yet because winter is still alive and well in New York. I did buy a face shield to start with. My creative endeavors are creating flies for fly fishing but I have wanted to try wood turning for a long time. You can view my videos on You Tube by searching Richard Katzman. Thanks for all your pointers.
great videos to learn fron
Alan, i tried to sign up but received no confirmation email.
I learned to woodturn from watching as wood turns videos thanks for the inspiration
You are so welcome.
I have enjoyed your videos for about a year. And have used many of your tips on my projects.
Thank you for letting me know.
Thank you for your very educational videos.
Have seen several of yr videos already. They inspired me to come looking for more. Thanks
You’re welcome. There will be more coming.
Thank you. I enjoyed the video.
You’re welcome. More to come.
Do you add any thing to your Walnut oil?
I finished my first bowl today.
Dryed green spalted pecan with DNA Finished with Walnut oil.11.25diax 3.5 deep. I have enjoyed your videos and learned plenty from UTube.
No, I don’t add anything to the walnut oil.
Congratulations on your first bowl.
Has yet not received confirmation email
Please check your spam folder and let me know if you still need the link to the e-book.
Alan Stratton
Hello Alan. I’m glad to have found your website. I have recently purchased a new lathe, and I’m in need of guidance and most of all knowledge. I found your site through another wood turner, Mike Waldt. I stand ready to be taught, teach away.
I’ll keep the videos coming – Keep a watching.
Hi Alan, I’ve followed you on YouTube for quite a while and finally jumped to your web site. I’m looking forward to more good stuff from you.
Been turning for a year (±) and learning lots with every video.
I guess welcome is not quite the right word since you’ve been following me on YouTube.
But since I cannot find a better one, Welcome.
Thank you
Alan Stratton
Hi Alan.
After seeing your Youtube channel, I decided to sign up for your website. It’s really nice the way you present each topic. Thank You
Thank you and welcome.
I enjoyed your presentation at the Willamette Woodturner’s Club this past week. I was sitting in the front row and got a good view. Now, it is nice to review the turning on
Thank you Ron
Looking forward to your videos. I enjoy watching your well presented and creative work
Thank you – I’ll keep them coming.
Last night at our local club (LLW,Springfield,IL) we had a segmented bowl/vessel presentation by a totally blind member. He’s one of our better turners and has even demonstrated at some of the bigger shows nationally. In one of your future Saturday events you might venture into segmented items with mixed colors (species) or open “gaps”. You might also show the idea of using a drill press as a vertical clamp, especially with a bungee cord or extended bar for natural weight to provide pressure.
Norm, all great suggestions. I love both mixed wood and open segment projects. I had not thought of a drill press as a clamping tool.
Thank you
What model lathe do you use?
I use a Powermatic 3520A – 35″ length 20″ diameter project.
Merry Christmas.
Looking forward to lots of enjoyable hours learning from you, Thank you Ever So Much, Woodie Woodchuck
You are welcome – More coming.
Alan Stratton
I get so much inspiration from your ideas and processes. Keep’em turnin!!
Excellent website.
Thank you – Tell your friends.
thinks for letting me watch your
work it’s way way above my turning
We’re were all novices at some point.
Keep turning and your work will improve.
Like your Web Site!
Thank you – Please tell your friends.
Nice to see a “local” expert!! Look forward to talking with you at the next Cascade Woodturning meeting.
Alas, no more Cascade Woodturning. I’ve moved to Lindon, Utah.
Cascade is a great club – enjoy.
Alan Stratton
Thank you.
Enjoy the weekly article.
Well done!
You are welcome.
1 Vote Tabulated – Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
Came across your site and enjoy the demo. Look forward to many more. Regards
Welcome. I put out a <10 minute video each week. Each is accelerated to keep you awake.
Please enjoy.
Alan Stratton
Thanks Alan, i’ve enjoyed several of your videos and picked up many really good tips. I really like your teaching technique
Thank you Lloyd
Stay tuned – I produce a new woodturning video each week.
Just starting in wood turning so I hope to get some info on how to become a wood turner.
Keep watching, it will come.
Nice work Alan!! I am not as skilled yet on performing small items as your goblet stem. I also need better/more tools which I will purchase when I have the extra green. Thanks, PW.
Alan, I have a project I would like to see you and izzy swan work on, it is a U-shaped lamp.
3or4 Put together will make a menorah.
I am going on 84, I can do the job, but I do not have time. I have a project going.I would like to see the project so that everyone can do it.
Gracias es un excelente trabajo
Alan Just getting started in wood turning my son got me a set of Easy wood tools for pen turning The mini size I have turn out a goblet and a small bowl. What is your feeling on the Easy Wood you think I should get some regular wood turning tools?
The answer is a very personal one as it depends on what you want to do.
I would encourage you to keep pushing out your boundaries, your comfort zone. As you do, you’ll probably want to expand your collection of tools. Just avoid single purpose tools until you’re convince you’ll use them a lot. There are always multiple ways to do a particular task.
But, if money is no problem, go buy a larger lathe and complete set of tools. However, you would be a rare case.
Great videos. Ideas and techniques are very creative. I am learning much.
Thank you Robert.
I have been here before but was off the Internet for a while. Thank you for providing such a good resource.
Just found your blog, loving your videos
Welcome. Hope you’ll enjoy and ask questions.
Then, hopefully, I can give a coherent answer.