Accessories For Woodturning
I have a 3D printer and have designed accessories that I find useful in my woodturning. I have not found them anywhere else.
I have setup an Etsy page to share them.(Link Here)
Urn Thread sets
I designed these urn bushings as an economical alternative to hand-chased threads, brass bushings, and big box plumbing fixtures. These bushings include an O-ring to seal the bushing. The threads are double start – meaning that threads engage in two places when starting the threads.
These thread sets are available in three sizes: 1.0″, 1.75″, and 2.5″. Use epoxy to glue this PLA plastic to your urn.

Knob for Jigs and Fixtures
I use this knob to attach a chuck or faceplate to jigs. The shaft is extended to penetrate 3/4″ material(typically MDF) and then secure the chuck or faceplate. My prime use is for band saw jigs to saw Celtic knot projects. The threads match the spindle and are available as 1″x8 tpi, 1.25″x8 tpi, and M33x3.5.
Click here for the link to Etsy to purchase.
Since this is PLA plastic, it CANNOT be used where the strength of metal is required. In other words, this cannot be used under lathe power. The yellow color is to remind you of this caution.

Chuck Hub
I use this chuck hub to attach a chuck or faceplate to jigs. It is also often used to store spare chucks where a secure hold matters. The threads match the lathe spindle and are available as 1″x8 tpi and 1.25″ x 8 tpi.
Click here for the link to Etsy to purchase.
Since this is PLA plastic, it CANNOT be used where the strength of metal is required. In other words, this cannot be used under lathe power. The yellow color is to remind you of this caution.