Posts Tagged ‘woodturning projects’

Woodturning Skew Practice – A Wedding Ring Holder

Mastering the skew takes continuous practice to develop and maintain skills. Alan Lacer recommends turning an egg. To this, I’ll add this ring holder for woodturning skew practice. In addition to convex turning from the egg, I need to practice concave turning with this wedding ring holder. It’s a simple spindle project and only takes […]


Woodturn A Mixed Open & Closed Segmented Bowl

I made this segmented oak bowl for neighbors who recently moved away. The wood came from leftovers that they had stored in their crawlspace. I wanted them to have something from the house to remember their home and the neighborhood. The bowl is oak; 7 rings: 6 closed segment rings of 12 segments each, and […]


Segmented Woodturning To Fix My Mother’s Old Stone Clock

Sometimes the best project is a simple project to help someone else in a small but critical way. This is the case with this project. My mother has a sentimental attachment to a stone clock that her brother in law made for her many, many years ago. Unfortunately the clock stopped working. Testing revealed that […]


Woodturning A Crazy Droopy Segmented Bowl

While at the Utah Woodturning Symposium I picked up a book about Ray Allen showing his segmented work. It was inspiring and inspired this project. Normally, segment rings must have perfectly parallel faces or else the bowl looks weird. In this case, I want the bowl to look weird — the rings are deliberately not […]


Transforming An Old Fence Post Into A Rustic Fence Post Vase

I’ve invited Russ Coker from a local club to turn one of his favorite projects, a fence post vase. He salvages old fence posts from Wyoming that are mostly cedar and turns them into a vase. The wood is weathered and very, very irregular. His process is: Mount the wood between centers. Evaluate the wood for features […]


Home Made Cole Jaws For Woodturning Large Bowls

I’ve needed a set of large chuck jaws to remount bowls in order to turn their bases. I’ve used jamb chucks successfully but want to expand my options but not pay the high price of commercial cole jaws. So, I’ve made my own 17″ wood jaws to fit my vicmark chuck. Steps: Cut plywood to the size desired. […]


Finish Woodturning Rough Turned – Alcohol Soaked Bowl

This is a followup on the rough turned green bowl of a few weeks ago. The bowl is now dry after having been soaked in alcohol. This is about six weeks instead of the year typical (for me) of air drying an typical bowl. In this video I remount the now dry bowl to reform […]


A Triple Multi Axis Egg Cup Challenge Answered

After last week’s egg cup, Larry joked “why not an eccentric egg cup”. I took that as a challenge. This triple egg cup is turned from red cedar and finished with beeswax and mineral oil. The turning axis was shifted 1.25″ in three directions 120 degrees apart to turn the hollows for the eggs. It […]


Utah Woodturning Symposium Egg Cup – Not On The Clock

While at the Utah Woodturning Symposium, I participated in the Egg Cup Turning contest. In the contest, either two individuals or two teams of two woodturners competed against each other to turn an egg cup as quickly as possible. Many who had participated in previous years turned their egg cup in about 30 seconds. My […]


Multi-Axis Turning Screwdriver With Ferrule

A little bit ago, I made a simple handle for a 4-in-1 (actually 6-in-1 but I never use the hex driver). At the time, I noted that eccentric techniques could prevent the screwdriver from rolling easily. Here’s the upgrade. I shifted the turning axis 0.25 inch in opposite directions to turn two opposing flatter curves. […]