Posts Tagged ‘woodturning projects’

2014 Christmas Ornament Woodturning Challenge

Announcing the 2014 Christmas Ornament Woodturning Challenge sponsored by As Wood Turns, Alan Stratton, and Woodshop TV, Carl Jacobson. This is the third annual challenge. We’d had great responses to previous years. This year we’re adding prizes to the top rated presenters. There are some rules: 3rd Annual Christmas Ornament Woodturning Challenge Rules and Guidelines. Ornament […]


Whoops! My Wood Egg Cracked Or Hatched?

Also viewable in YouTube In this video, I started out to make an egg shaped mold or pattern for cast glass. Several things went wrong but were not critical until I got a nasty catch when finishing the top of the egg. At that point, the egg’s base cracked off its remaining tenon leaving a […]


Woodturning For Pure Art

Also viewable on YouTube This piece is not functional. It is only for viewing as art. But art is useful in its own way. It challenges the mind and pleases the eye. This art is made from walnut using segmented woodturning. It is formed 76 segments with 8 more segments used as temporary support. It […]


Woodturning Is For The Birds

Also viewable on YouTube I turned these two birds to answer the challenge by my local woodturning club. The club often challenges its members to bring in a challenge turning after a presentation on the same topic. Last month, Kathleen Duncan demonstrated turning wood birds. Hence the challenge topic. These birds are about 3 inches […]


Woodturning A Hollow Reversible Tea Light

Also viewable on YouTube After I made the UFO spaceship for E.T. a few weeks ago, a viewer suggested it could also be a tea light. Well, how do you turn a UFO into a tea light? Tough question. So, I started over with a new piece of walnut about 7″ x 3″. I wanted […]


Update To My DIY Lathe Steady Rest

Also viewable on YouTube I’ve been using my home made steady rest for over a year. During this time, I’ve thought of a couple of improvements: Use locknuts in place of the nuts. Vibration in use caused nuts to come loose and fall off. Replace the base that mounts it to the lathe so that […]


Revisit Mixed Open & Closed Segment Bowl

Also viewable on YouTube A few weeks ago I made this bowl for my neighbor who had moved away. But, before I could give it to him, segments in the base separated. Likely, the wood was not a dry as I had assumed. So, to fix this problem, I made a new segment ring. I […]


Hollow Form UFO Spaceship For My Old Friend ET

I worked for Atari, the video game company, when the movie ET came out. The movie was a blockbuster. Our CEO immediately purchased the video game rights and shoved it thru design and production in record time to have the game in stores for Christmas. We made millions of the ET game. Alas, ET the […]


Woodturning Open Segment Hollow Form Vase

I appreciate the form of classic vases and decided to turn one using open segmentation. This vase is walnut and cherry. Maple would have contrasted more but I think the tonal shades of the cherry blend nicely with the walnut. It is about 9 inches high and about 5 inches in diameter. This vase has […]


Woodturning Cat And Mouse Children’s Game

In preparation for my family reunion, I turned 11 mice and one (cat) bowl. To play: Each player has several tokens. Little chocolate candies are my favorite. All mice are placed in the middle of the playing area. Each player holds on to their own mouse’s tail. One player is the cat. The cat has […]