Posts Tagged ‘Wood working’

Woodturning A Small Ash Bowl

This video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But you are already here. Last woodturning club meeting, I received another piece of ash from our wood raffle. It is even the same size as the first one. What to do? How about a similar bowl but with a different rim. I always enjoy […]


Woodturning A Double Vase – A Growth Experience

This video may also be viewed via YouTube, Vimeo, or FaceBook. Best right here! I have seen double vases. Now it is time to turn one myself. In preparation, I made an internal template and an external template for a circle. For the internal template, I cut a circle for my desired size from scrap […]


Woodturning A Tai Chi Exercise Ball

This video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook. May as well stay right here. I do not currently do custom woodturning projects for others. So when a viewer approached me for an advanced Tai Chi ball, I said no. But nothing stops me from showing how it is done. He would have […]


Wood? Turning A Valentine’s Vase From A Tagua Nut

This video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook. All the same – best right here. When I see a good demonstration, I have to try it myself. That is the case here for a tagua nut. The demonstrator was Clive Christiansen. He has turned hundreds of tagua nuts. Tagua nuts used to […]


Woodturning A Tall Ash Goblet

This video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best right here where you are. It’s been a while since I have turned a goblet. A piece of ash from our club wood raffle seems perfect. But there are issues to be dealt with. The major issue is the length of wood hanging […]


A Stylized Bowl From Club Raffle Wood

This video may also be viewed via YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But you’re here already with the best seat in the house! Part of our club wood raffle is encourage turning something from the wood. So, my natural inclination was to turn a small bowl from this wood that I think is ash. However, with […]


Helping Maple Firewood Achieve Its Life Purpose

This video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, or FaceBook – Best right here. When my brother came to visit and to turn a people feeder, the chunk of maple he brought did not make it into the people feeder. Yet, it had some unique characteristics, particularly a knob where wood had grown over […]


Woodturning A People Feeder – Feeders Are Not Only For Birds

This video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. As I noted in the last video, my brother came to visit and brought his agenda – to turn a “people feeder”. The wood he brought did not work out. So, we used what I believe is gum. A people feeder dispenses candy from […]


Maple Firewood Bowl – This Ugly Duckling Is Not A Swan

This video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. My brother came to visit and brought his agenda – to turn a “people feeder” from a piece of big leaf maple he salvaged from his firewood. The people feeder has potential but what about this firewood. The wood had some character like a […]


Kinetic Art – Don’t Let Glass Have All The Fun

This video is also available via YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best right here! After seeing a decorative glass item at a craft store, I had to try to make a similar wood item. The original was a hexagon, mine is a round. The original was glass, mine is wood. Mine can roll around. I’m not […]