Posts Tagged ‘Wood working’

Woodturning Planetary Ornament – Insert Fun

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best? – right here! This one is my daughter’s favorite ornament of all my recent ornaments. It used a piece of scrap walnut and other left over thin wood strips to create random angle slices in the body. This I call my “Saturn” style. For […]


Segmented Woodturning – Not A Plain Christmas Ornament

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But you’re already here! What do you do with leftover wood? How about when you worked a lot to make a laminated blank? In this case I had to make additional segmented rings to have enough for the globe of the ornament. It is traditional […]


Woodturning The Vase That Refused To Be A Box

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best right here! When I received this block of figured poplar at our club’s wood raffle, I immediately thought, Box based on its size and grain orientation. However, as I started turning and seeing the amazing grain patterns, the wood talked then screamed at me, […]


Woodturning Christmas Hand Bell – Laminated and Segmented

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But you’re already here. Preparing for this year’s Christmas Ornament Challenge, this hand bell was inspired by a presentation by Robin Costelle at the Segmented Woodturning Symposium. However, it does deviate from his bell in that it has multiple layers or rings. The wood in […]


How To Turn Perfect Golden Mean Ellipse Christmas Ornament

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But you’re already here! For my first entry to this year’s Christmas Ornament Challenge, I chose a traditional globe style ornament with bottom icicle finial. I wanted the globe to be a perfect ellipse similar to a perfect sphere. Of course, a perfect ellipse would […]


Woodturning Cross Grain Bowl With Matching Lid

This video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But, why go anywhere else? This piece of elm has been underfoot in my shop for several months. Another club member harvested it some unknown time ago and sealed the ends with latex paint. It feels dry. After rounding, I parted off the top two […]


Christmas Ornament Challenge 2018 Announcement

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook. Best right here at the source. Announcing the Seventh Annual Christmas Ornament Challenge. The challenge is open to all crafts, all materials, collaborations, mixed media, whatever. All skill levels may also enter. This year NO video is required. However, if you make a video, we’ll […]


How To Turn Perfect Hollow Sphere – No Jig

This video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best right here! I’ve turned many spheres and have combined two techniques to make them perfect without a jig. But at a club demo, I was challenged to turn a hollow sphere. My response – sure. But, here’s the proof. Using the process, I’ve described […]


How To Hollow A Tall Thin Cherry Vase

This video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook. But you’re already here! For this video, I wanted to combine two useful techniques. First, to rough turn a green wood project, seal it, and let it dry. The second, to split a project in half and hollow from the middle out to both ends. […]


Poplar Dinner Plate For Club Challenge

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best right here! I turned this dinner plate for our club challenge. Although I thought I had selected rough sawn red oak, it is actually poplar when smoothed out. My eight inch plate is finished with walnut oil so that it could be used for […]