Posts Tagged ‘Wood working’

From Green Firewood to Vase – Deep Hollowing Wet Wood

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Where Best? Right here! This black locust wood came from my brother in Idaho. It was freshly cut. I took it home and promptly rough turned it to a cylinder, then a rough shape for a vase, then parted it in two. Each end was […]


Revisit Woodturning Heart For My Valentine Plus Collet & Jig

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Where Best? Right here! After turning my Valentine’s heart, I decided I needed to refine my process for this type of project. Thank you for all your suggestions. The differences are a bandsaw sled; a collet; hollowing the heart. Key to the bandsaw sled are […]


Woodturning Green Chestnut Bowl – Stitched & Revisited

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best Right Here! After turning a green chestnut bowl a few weeks ago in a style new to me, I had the chance to have feedback from Paul Russell, who had demonstrated it. I wanted to know why the green wood had not warped into […]


Woodturning Basic Skill Demo Box With Near Suction Fit

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best Right HERE! My brother came for a visit and wanted me to demonstrate woodturning a box. I would rather have coached him to turn the box. However, that is all he had time for. An end grain box is always a good project with […]


A DIY Approach To Waterproof Wood

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But, you’re already here! At last fall’s Segmented Woodturning Symposium, I had a discussion with Joe Schlawin. He suggested that acrylic plastic could be used to waterproof certain woodturnings. I needed to know how a solid sheet of acrylic plastic could waterproof the inside of […]


Woodturning Heart For My Valentine Plus A Collet Flop

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo and FaceBook. Except that you’re already here! This is an early release for Valentine’s Day. I turned this hazelwood heart for my wife. It is turned from a 7/8″ cylinder which is then sliced at a steep angle. The two parts are then rotated and reglued to […]


Woodturning Maple Mortar and Pestle

This video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. However, you’re already right where you need to be. A mortar and pestle has been on my to-do list for a long time. Finally, I found my “round-2-it”. I did have to look up which piece was the mortar and which was the pestle. It […]


Woodturning Quick and Easy Padauk Plate

This video is also posted at YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook – Where Best? Right Here! This piece of padauk has been bothering me. It is an offcut from a previous project. I’d like to use it for a segmented project but it is not enough. Finally, I decided to turn a small plate. The padauk […]


Final Woodturning Matching Green Cored Bowls

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best right here! I took a training class at Craft Supplies almost two years ago. During the class, I did a couple of coring projects with the Kelton McNaughton Center Saver System. At that time, I cored two sets of matching bowls from sycamore. I […]


Woodturning & Hollowing A Vase – Not Through This Neck

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But best right here! Why hollow through a tiny hole if you don’t have to. For this long neck vase I hollowed it from the bottom then plugged the hole with matching wood. Watch out for hanging out so far from the spindle. I used […]