Posts Tagged ‘lathe’

What Not Round? How To Turn A Square Box

While it is best to view this video from this page, in case of difficulty, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook. Inspired by presentation at the AAW symposium, this project is a turned square box. Actually, it is a cube in 3D. The cube is walnut 3x3x3, finished with shellac and rattle-can lacquer. […]


Turning Segmented Laminated Ornament Bells

In case of video difficulty, this is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook. But best right here! These bells are turned from a laminated block of maple, cherry, wenge, yellow heart, and padauk. Lamination involves gluing wood essentially side by side into a block. They wood was then segmented into a four segmented ring. Admittedly, […]


Another Inexpensive Chucking Option To Supplement Jam Chucks

First, an addendum to the bouncy loops from last week. Latex tubing stretches more than I anticipated. I had to cut and re-glue to make several loops smaller. They need to be a tight fit. Check them with high speed rotation. Meanwhile, in preparation for another project that I have not turned previously, I make […]


Inexpensive Hand Safety While Turning

This post is best viewed right here. However, in case of technical difficulties, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook. Occassionally, while working at the lathe with a chuck, my fingers go where they should not and get hit by the spinning metal. Since an ounce of protection is worth much more than a […]


Turning A Bowl ??????

This video is best viewed right here on this page. However, in case of technical gremlins, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook. After acquiring a block of green oak, my choice were limited. Often, I would simply rip it in half and two two bowls – one from each half. However, this block […]


Turning Small, Bark Edge Boxes – From Hazelnut Limbs

Unless there is a glitch, this page is best for viewing this post. If there is a glitch, this is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook. I pruned the wood for this project from my backyard several years ago. The limbs were suckers growing from the base. I kept many of them. Some have split […]


A Tale Of Turning Two Bowls – Same Trunk – Opposite Look – Part 1

This video post is best viewed here on this page. However, in case of difficulty, it is also available on YouTube and FaceBook. I scored a section of a log sufficient for two bowls. Noticing that the bark is quite tight, I decided that one of them should be a natural or bark edge bowl […]


Taking A Break To Teach Youth To Turn Wood Pens

This video post is best viewed here on this page. However, in case of system difficulties, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook. Taking a break from larger project, in this video, I turn some simple pens from “tropical hardwoods”. The pen kit is a slimline. While I do not know the specific species […]


Exploring Turning Tool Handles – Interchangeable And DIY

This video is best viewed right here. However, in case of difficulty such as a gremlin attach, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook. Most lathe tools come with handles. But why? Do we have to buy them with handles? Plus, if we are making our own handles, why not use the same handle. […]


Not So Basic Segmented Patchwork Turned Bowl

This post is best viewed here on this page. However, if there are difficulties, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook. At club meeting, we had a great introduction to segmented turning. Ken, who presented went the extra (many) mile(s) to prepare segmented bowl kits with segments and a base for a bowl. I […]