Alan Stratton on Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 |
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I just finished watching you turn a ball. As I watch, I had a thought – before gluing the two halves together, a person could put something inside the ball to create a little mystery as to how they got there — like some little pebbles, marbles, etc.
Like a large adult rattle – Cool idea.
Bonjour, j’ai apprécié beaucoup votre site, je suis débutant et j’aime le bois!
bravo et bonne continuation!
Vous êtes les bienvenus. J’espère que vous apprécierez les vidéos.
Alan Stratton
Alan, I think it’s safe to say that you are the “Master” of segmented everything! Wow! The the only thing I think I would have done differently would have been to make it with lid so that it could be used as a vase or a covered bowl. I enjoy watching your videos, they are both educational and entertaining.
If you get a chance please view my videos on You Tube. You can find them by searching: Richard Katzman, Catskill Tube Flies and Catskill Hook Flies.
Best regards,
Even segmented takes practice as does tying your flies.
Thanks for watching.
Alan Stratton
nice video, looks fabulous. I am new to turning, bought the wood lathe 1 month ago, in practice mode right now. Making my own tools as I can not afford the prices I see on the internet.
Oh to be in new learning mode again. 🙂
If making your own tools, do you have metalworking experience?
Making tools can reallocate scarce money to tools you cannot make yourself.
Best to you.
As a kid, we use to take empty thread spools and drive four finish nails in one end. Then we would take string and weave rope. Don’t ask what we did with the rope; I don’t remember. It was an earlier version of your wire bobbin which brought back fond memories of childhood. Keep up the good work.
I’m happy to help recall good memories.
I tried to use the email address submission to get the “Simple Secrets of Woodworking”, but got the following error:
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I need to do some edits.
Here’s the link you need.