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    7 Responses to “Contact”

    1. Jon Murphy says:

      Wow! The face plates are ingenious, I’ve been trying to figure out an easy DIY eccentric “chuck” for quite a while. My compliments to the chef.

      The concept of using pins to “center” and hold the piece is a new one on me, wish I’d thought of it. I assume the piece is held and driven by the friction of the tailstock pressure. If I may be so bold, may I suggest that gluing a piece of rough grit sandpaper with the pin holes poked in it to the faceplates might increase the friction and reduce the tailstock pressure needed.

      Thank you, that “pin concept” could have multiple applications.

    2. Jim Meizelis says:

      Ever think of using one of the three index holes in the headstock as a spindle stop? They are on many of the large JET lathes also.

    3. Donal G Metz says:

      Hi Alan
      Have ever tried drilling a hole in a golf ball no
      thread just a 3/4 hole works great.

      • No, I haven’t tried that.
        However, if I were to, I’d somehow have to make sure I knew what the center was.
        When I was much younger, I unwound a golf ball. Then when I sliced into the center, it exploded. it had some liquid center.
        Meanwhile, I prefer rubber stoppers.

    4. April Green says:

      The 2024 voting form comes up 2023?

    Leave a Reply to Jon Murphy