Archive for the ‘Small Projects’ Category

Turning An Eccentric Or Off Axis Wood Goblet

In this video, I try my hand again to turn an eccentric goblet. I’ll turn the eccentric stem separately from the cup and the base just to keep things a little easier. The stem is 2×2″ maple about 6″ long. I started turning with the axis running almost corner to corner. Then as I finished […]


Segmented Tea Light – More Safe Than Eccentric

Rather than respond to the challenge of an eccentric tea light, I choose to turn a segmented tea light with a bonus saucer to set it on. The style of segmentation is called open segment meaning that there are gaps between the segments making up the ring. However, nearly every open segment requires a couple […]


Bud Vases For Mothers Day

Two brothers and I met recently for a woodturning Turnover. They wanted some supervised practice and training. We started with a project agenda to give them several woodturning experiences. However, our well planned agenda was interrupted when our wives called back from visiting Saturday’s Market. They had seen bud vases and each wanted one for […]


Turned Wood Goblet For Valentine Kisses

I pruned a branch off my apple tree last winter and rough turned a small goblet. I had to dodge a lot of rotten wood to form the goblet. Then I waxed it, put it in a paper bag, and put it away to dry. In the mean time, it has lost 34% of its […]


Woodturning A Round Train Whistle

Recently Steve Ramsey on his YouTube channel made a wooden train whistle out of square pine. Immediately, it occurred to me that a train whistle must be round. So I made this whistle out of poplar with walnut end caps. It is about six inches long with a diameter of about two inches. There are […]


Woodturning A Field of Mushrooms (Part 3)

Woodturning a natural edge mushroom in apricot. In this video, I complete a series exploring what difference the turning axis could make on a mushroom turning. A viewer questioned how I oriented the turning axis, so here we go with an experiment. With this third apricot branch, I’m orienting the turning axis much more dramatically […]


A Field of Mushrooms (Part 2)

Woodturning a natural edge mushroom in apricot. In this video, I continue a series exploring what difference the turning axis could make on a mushroom turning. A viewer questioned how I oriented the turning axis, so here we go with an experiment. With this second apricot branch, I’m orienting the turning axis a few degrees […]


Unusual Salt Shaker in Maple

This woodturning project is a salt shaker or salturn in hard maple. It was inspired by a demonstration by Terry Gerros from Willamette Valley Woodturners to Cascade Woodturners. The blank is 3″x3″x6″ tall, finished with shellac friction polish, This salt shaker does not have a removeable opening or removeable top. Nor does it have holes […]