Archive for the ‘Bowl’ Category

Woodturning An Offset Slat Bowl – Round 2 – Not This Way!

This video is also on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook – but you’re already here so stick around. In round 1, I only glued the slats for this bowl to top and bottom waste blocks. That did not work so well. This time, I thought double stick tape would be just the thing to temporarily hold […]


Woodturning: This Slab Bowl Nailed It

This video is also available on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. – Same video – best right here. Wood raffles can yield strange wood. Such is the case with this project. I received a slab of wood that I would usually throw away. This time, since it was already dry, I decided to attempt to turn […]


Woodturning An Offset Slat Bowl

This post may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Same video -Best right here. I was browsing turned wood images and saw a unique bowl made of slats that seemed to protrude from the brim. My first thought – How can I turn that bowl? After pondering several alternatives, I had to go […]


Woodturning A Small Ash Bowl

This video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But you are already here. Last woodturning club meeting, I received another piece of ash from our wood raffle. It is even the same size as the first one. What to do? How about a similar bowl but with a different rim. I always enjoy […]


A Stylized Bowl From Club Raffle Wood

This video may also be viewed via YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But you’re here already with the best seat in the house! Part of our club wood raffle is encourage turning something from the wood. So, my natural inclination was to turn a small bowl from this wood that I think is ash. However, with […]


Helping Maple Firewood Achieve Its Life Purpose

This video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, or FaceBook – Best right here. When my brother came to visit and to turn a people feeder, the chunk of maple he brought did not make it into the people feeder. Yet, it had some unique characteristics, particularly a knob where wood had grown over […]


Maple Firewood Bowl – This Ugly Duckling Is Not A Swan

This video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. My brother came to visit and brought his agenda – to turn a “people feeder” from a piece of big leaf maple he salvaged from his firewood. The people feeder has potential but what about this firewood. The wood had some character like a […]


Woodturning Surprise Bowl From Maple Burl

This video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best right here at As Wood Turns. This hunk of maple has been laying around in my shop for over two years, from before my move from Oregon to Utah. When it was given to me, I thought is was just an oddly sawn […]


Woodturning Training Break For Inspiration and Refinement

May also be viewed via YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook. Best right here! I could not take video during the workshop, so here is a summary of the week’s activity. The woodturning workshop: Craft Supplies USA; Intermediate Taught by Kirk DeHeer. Kirk is a practical yet highly skilled turner. There’s a lot I can learn from […]


Remount & Finish Turning Wet Apricot Bowl

This video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook – But best right here. Five years ago, I scored a batch of fresh green or wet cherry wood. One block looked very promising – it was a crotch with some beautiful crotch figure. I mounted it and started to turn it. I was […]