Archive for the ‘Bowl’ Category

Bowler Hat Bowl For Woodturning Club Demo

May also be viewed in YouTube. I made this segmented bowl in preparation for a segmented turning demo at Williamette Woodturners. Bryan wanted an introduction to segmented turning with a hat theme. The introduction included both open and closed segmented process to create this bowl. In response, we selected a bowler had with both closed […]


Woodturning A Wild, Crazy, Wavy Bowl

May also be viewed on YouTube. After returning from the Utah Woodturning Symposium, I felt I needed to break out, break away from my habitual projects. So, I found this chunk of cedar and went to work on it. It wasn’t the best piece of wood but I managed to turn a wavy profile. It […]


Practice Woodturning A Basic Walnut Bowl

May also be viewed on YouTube. I contributed a woodturning experience to a church youth auction to raise money for youth summer activities. In preparation, I’m turning a bowl similar to what I’ll have the auction winner turn – with some exceptions. They will turn a softer wood like cedar. This one is hard walnut […]


Remount & Finish Woodturning Naturally Spalted Aspen Bowl

May also be viewed on YouTube. This aspen bowl was turned wet or green several years ago. At that time, I put it away in a paper sack for it to dry. Apparently, it was extra wet or did not dry very quickly, since a large growth of mold or fungus developed on the surface. […]


Woodturn Segmented Hash – Art From Leftovers

Also may be viewed on YouTube. Leftover Time! I’ve accumulated some segment rings leftovers from previous projects. Most are from my Crazy Droopy bowl that have a taper on the rings.  Rather than make new rings, I’ll make these into this project. The first two rings are flat and not very tall. These will make […]


Remount and Finish Bowl – No Rush To Finish Russian Olive

May also be viewed on YouTube. This bowl is turned from Russian olive from Idaho. It is generally considered a weed tree, planted for wind protection. It is now classified as a invasive species. My sons’s in-laws had not qualms over cutting down with the tree. I rescued several chunks from the burn pile to […]


Remount And Finish Woodturning Alcohol Soaked Green Bowl

I rough turned this birch bowl about six months ago from a fresh green trunk a friend found for me. At that time, I did not expect much from this bowl thinking that birch is a fairly blond wood without a lot of character. To expedite the drying process, I soaked this bowl overnight in […]


Woodturn A Natural Edge Cedar Limb Bowl

I have a lot of wood to clean up from cutting down an Atlas Cedar in my back yard. For this project, I’m using a whole section of limb for a small but deep natural edge bowl. This small bowl is about 6 inches long by 4 inches wide by 3 inches deep. I tried […]


Remount, Finish Woodturning Apricot Green Turned Bowl

Also viewable at YouTube I rough turned this apricot bowl a little over two years ago. I recorded its weight while it was drying. It lost about 40% of its original weight. In this video, I remounted the bowl to trim the base and tenon before turning the bowl to its final shape and wall […]


Revisit Mixed Open & Closed Segment Bowl

Also viewable on YouTube A few weeks ago I made this bowl for my neighbor who had moved away. But, before I could give it to him, segments in the base separated. Likely, the wood was not a dry as I had assumed. So, to fix this problem, I made a new segment ring. I […]