Archive for the ‘Bowl’ Category

Back To My First Love – Turning Green Cherry Bowl

Video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, or FaceBook – Best right here! I obtained the wood for this bowl last December. At the time, I ripped the wood in half through the pith, waxed the ends, and stored the wood in plastic bags. Then due to my accident, I could not turn the […]


Woodturning Out-Of-Round Bowl

May also be viewed via YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best of all is right here! After watching Guilio Marcolongo demonstrate at the Utah Woodturning Symposium, I took to heart his statement that not every woodturning project must be round. He does some nice work by figuring out different ways to hold his work. Back at […]


Disaster Recovery – Woodturning Style x 3

May also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, or FaceBook – Best right here at As Wood Turns. After I blew through the bottom of a beautiful bowl, I appealed for ideas on how to salvage it. The response was wonderfully broad and useful. Some would re-purpose the bowl as a lamp shade with an LED […]


Dyed, Diet Bowl – aka Experimental Whoops

May also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook – Best right here. With all the ideas from the Utah Woodturning Symposium, it’s time to implement some of them with this project. The wood is the remaining pine slab from a previous project. However, it has a crack where the rim would be and several […]


You Mean – That Wood Had a Platter Inside?

May also be viewed via YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook. But best right here. This project comes from a block of pine I received as a raffle prize at a woodturning club meeting. Initially, I was disappointed that it is pine, a softwood, that I don’t like to turn. It has been a while since I […]


A Small Emerging Bowl From Spring Pruning

May also be viewed at these links on YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook. Best right here! After recently observing a demonstration in a local woodturning club, I had to turn an emerging bowl. This is the best way to hammer home what I observed. Then I can explore alternatives and combine features. In this video, I […]


If At First You Don’t Succeed… My Green Natural Edge Cherry Bowl

May also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook – Best right here. My last attempt to turn a natural edge bowl from fresh green cherry ended in a near disaster. Half of the almost finished bowl hit me in the face. Fortunately, I was wearing my full face shield. I cannot fear to turn […]


Fruit Salad – Dry Spaulted Apple From Green Natural Edge Cherry

May also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, or FaceBook. Best right here. I started turning a natural edge bowl from Cherry. Alas, it did not survive. But I did survive despite a hard knock to my face shield. So I switched to a dry block of spaulted apple that I have from a woodturning club […]


Lessons Learned In Turning Knotty Green Cherry Bowl

May also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook – Best right here!. I have a bunch of fresh green cherry. All of it has been ripped in half and the ends sealed with end grain sealer. But before it dries too much, I want to turn a bowl. However, my selected piece of wood […]


Exploring My Family History By Turning Tall Cedar Bowl

May also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook. But best right here. 🙂 My mother has had a turned redwood vase for as long as I can remember. Upon reading the inscription on the base, my grandfather made it from redwood they obtained from a visit to the Redwoods two years before my birth. […]