Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

Weird Wood Art – My First Step Into New Woodturning Realms

This video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Right here is where it is best. After attending the American Association of Woodturners Symposium, I’m inspired to start turning beyond round. One particular source of inspiration is Max Brosi and his multi-axis turnings. While this turning from pear is far from one of his, […]


Fractured Apricot Bowl – Turn At Your Own Risk

This video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. However, you’re already here! I went out to my woodshed and spotted an old apricot crotch that I have been saving “for a rainy day”. The wood is worse off for the time that it has been taking up space in my shed. I decided […]


Deep Hollowing Green Turned Vase – The Easy Way

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Where Best? Right Here! Recently, I’ve experimented with different ways to turn a small hollow vase without doing the hollowing through the small neck of the vase. This is one of the best options. I originally rough turned this vase about a year ago. At […]


Woodturning Inside Out 3 Stave Art Flame

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But you’re already here, aren’t you? I had not completed a triple inside out turning for quite a while. So, after seeing Dale Dallon demonstrate an inside out flame, I had to jump back into it and incorporate the refinements I saw in his process. […]


Holey Roley Poley Multi-Axis Woodturning

This video is also posted on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Where Best? Right Here! Barbara Dill’s book on multi-axis woodturning is the inspiration for this project. As I looked through the photos, I said to myself, “That can’t be that hard, it’s just a sphere and some holes”. But a doughnut chuck I made several […]


This “Columbus Egg” Stands Up When It Spins

This video is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook. Best right here! According to Wikipedia, “An egg of Columbus or Columbus’ egg refers to a brilliant idea or discovery that seems simple or easy after the fact. The expression refers to an apocryphal story in which Christopher Columbus, having been told that discovering the […]


Woodturning A Perfect Sphere Into A Strata-Sphere

This video is also available on YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best right here. I am inspired by the great work I saw at the Utah Woodturning Symposium. My way to praise some of the work is to emulate it. Such is the case with this sphere inspired by Vivien Grandoullier from the Instant Gallery. Essentially, […]


Kinetic Art – Don’t Let Glass Have All The Fun

This video is also available via YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. Best right here! After seeing a decorative glass item at a craft store, I had to try to make a similar wood item. The original was a hexagon, mine is a round. The original was glass, mine is wood. Mine can roll around. I’m not […]


Inspiration From Grapes – Scrollsaw and Lathe

May also be viewed via YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook – But best right here! I got this idea from the Utah Woodturning Symposium, specifically Raleigh Lockhart’s presentation. It entails cutting a leaf shape on a scrollsaw then turning it on the lathe. My leaf plate is a grape leaf about 6 inches in diameter and […]


Bumpy, Tipsy, Wood Tube From Green Cherry

This video may also be viewed on YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook. But best right here where you are! At the invitation from fellow woodturner, Sam Angelo, I turned this 2″ by 7″ tube from fresh wet cherry. This project is fun because when the turning is finished, I go to the microwave to heat it […]