Improved Double Dip Turning – Twin Eccentric Scoops

Maple Eccentric Scoops

I know I turned eccentric scoops last week. However, I simply had to turn them again with some improvements.

This scoop is turned using three skew axes, 3/16″ apart and the handle end. The axes must be in a straight line to allow the turned blank to be sawn in half. Skew axes are not parallel. However, in this case, they must be shifted in the same plane. Otherwise, the two halves could not be sawn apart.

Instead of shifting points on the bowl end, this time I used a cup center on the live center.

As an additional benefit, this allowed turning the bowl portion as more of a sphere for more accuracy.

The axis shift was also slightly larger. This with the fixed bowl end, enabled more of an arc in the handle.

The cleanup was still tedious, using a round rotary burr to hollow out the bowl. Then hand sanded the bowl smooth.

The scoops are 1 inch by 6 inches long, finished with a utility mix of mineral oil and beeswax.


One Response to “Improved Double Dip Turning – Twin Eccentric Scoops”

  1. NEIL MAYTHAM says:


    Would it be possible to give us more details?

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