Turning A Multi Port Wet Hollow Sphere

Hollow Sphere Russian Olive

I did not always relish turning a sphere. But that was before I found an easy, reliable process to turn them.

Now the question is how to embellish them even more.

For this sphere, I wanted it hollow but holey – that is hollow through multiple holes.

However, one major issue came up. The Russian olive was very wet and warped. The result? It is not a perfectly shaped sphere. What should I have done given the wet wood? Simple. Rough turn the sphere, let it dry, then return to the process. The only problem is that I tend to be impatient. But, I also saved a lot of money by not purchasing a commercial jig.

The sphere is 3.25 inches finished with beeswax and mineral oil. Then buffed.

More Links:
Woodturning Perfect Spheres – For Wise Turners
Woodturning Essentials – Octagon Method For Perfect Spheres
How To Turn Perfect Hollow Sphere – No Jig


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