Turning Lidded Box From Green, Wet Wood

This post is best viewed right here — But if there happens to be technical difficulties, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook.

I love to turn fresh, green, wet wood. While it is sometimes
a shower, the wood is soft and cheap. The problem is that it
is wet and will always shrink and warp.

The solution – turn it twice with time to dry between. While
there are still precautions to avoid cracks, this works.

Except that with all that time working on other projects,
I forget about the wood that is drying and what I intended
for it.

Fortunately, I can get back to the project and finally turn it.

Having visited other turners’ shops, I am not alone. 🙂

Some newer viewers may wonder why I insist on wearing a face shield for safety. Please check out this video:
Apricot Disaster


4 Responses to “Turning Lidded Box From Green, Wet Wood”

  1. Steven Eugene Wagner says:

    Once again very informative thank you.

  2. Peter Smart says:

    Good video Alan. Several useful techniques, thanks.

    Peter in the UK