Preparing To Turn A Stave Segmented Beads Of Courage Box

Beads of Courage Box

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Our club is preparing to support the Beads of Courage program. Beads of Courage works in participating hospitals with children who are seriously ill. At each significant procedure, the child received an additional bead to put in their own box. As a woodturning club, we will help provide boxes. My job was to introduce the program as a demo.

While boxes for Beads of Courage can be any type of construction, I demonstrated the basics to construct a stave segmented box. In stave segmentation, the wood grain runs vertically in the sides of the box. Stave segmenting requires different jigs. My favorite weggie sled could not be used.

I have not been pleased with my previous stave segmenting when cutting the staves. With this in mind, I created a new table saw sled and measuring fixture that made this cutting a pleasure.

Then on to using the rub joint technique to glue staves into half cylinders. After truing the half cylinders, they were also glued together.

At this scale, there are other issues to overcome that are illustrated in the video.


2 Responses to “Preparing To Turn A Stave Segmented Beads Of Courage Box”

  1. Jean-Luc Bourdin says:

    Félicitation pour cette initiative!!