Turning Segmented Laminated Ornament Bells
In case of video difficulty, this is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook. But best right here!
These bells are turned from a laminated block of maple, cherry, wenge, yellow heart, and padauk. Lamination involves gluing wood essentially side by side into a block. They wood was then segmented into a four segmented ring. Admittedly, a small segment count as segmented projects go. Yet, it does fit the criteria for segmented on the small end of the scale.
The wood requirements is for a block of wood at least nine times the wood’s width. Safety and whoops factors indicate adding another six to nine inches. The worst case is to have too little length for the two bells and have to start over with the glue up.
The bells are about three inches diameter. With the handles, they are seven and nine inches long. They are finished with shellac friction polish.
My friend Robin Costelle demonstrated this bell at the Segmented Woodturners Symposium. In his writeup, he credits yet another woodturners. I am please to continue the chain of enhancement for this bell project.
We’re preparing for this year’s Ornament Challenge – details will be at www.OrnamentChallenge.com
Very neat Alan. Reminds me how on my last visit to this type of construction that everything has to be symmetrical and spot on centre!
Peter in the. UK
We all need reminders.
Great Video. I will definitely make these for Christmas.
And Enter the ornament challenge!
really enjoy your videos
Thank you – keep watching