Woodturning Stabilized OSB Into Amazing Vase
This post is best viewed right here. But, in case of difficulty, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook.
Before SWAT, I turned a vase in OSB because I saw such a demonstration on the agenda and wanted to be prepared to ask relevant questions. Greg Stehle’s vase used OSB as flat rings. His were not segmented and only the edge of the OSB was visible in the project.
In contrast, I wanted to turn OSB 90 degrees and display the face flakes in the OSB. This required a segmented approach. I tried turning one before SWAT. What I found was that OSB in this orientation tended to flake off. This limited how much of a curve I could use.
After seeing the demonstration at SWAT, I still prefer my choice for orienting the OSB. I completed long outstanding project to setup my stabiling rig and stabilized a couple of OSB boards. Then segmented it as I did on my first vase. This had dramatically different results. Flaking was greatly reduced and the wood was very hard. I successfully increased the flare on the vase. My second vase was again finished with spray lacquer. it is 5″ diameter and 6″ tall.
Again, my wood soft jaws played an important role replacing the need for a jam chuck.
Woodturning Segmented Vase From Face Out OSB
Three Options For DIY Soft Jaws
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