Woodturning Golden Chain Bowl – A Long Time Coming

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I was not familiar with this wood, Golden Chain, when my Oregon neighbor cut it down. I thought it would be a usual turning experience.
I tried to core some of the wood as I needed practice. I got beat up. That is when I did my research. Golden Chain is native to Europe where it is known as Laburnum. It is toxic in any form to animals. Most importantly, it is very hard and dense and often a substitute for ebony.
Rough turning the wood green into a bowl was not too hard. Wet wood is always a pleasure to turn. I sealed the wood and put it away to dry.
Meanwhile, I moved to Utah and got distracted for about nine years. The wood is definitely dry now. I have to bite the bullet sometime and finish turning it. Yes, very hard and dense. I am happy I did not have to turn the entire bowl while dry.
Laburnum has a beautiful mellow brown color. Sapwood adds a great contrast. It is 8″ diameter; 2″ tall finished with walnut oil and buffed.
Many thanks, again for a good tutorial/demo. Love the rubber stopper on the tail stock center trick, never thought of doing that. Also, using the bare Chuck as a jam Chuck is a new one on me.
They are both extremely useful. I’ve been using them for years.