Woodturning Three Part Goblet From Walnut and Hazelnut
by Alan Stratton on Friday, May 21st, 2021 | Comments Off on Woodturning Three Part Goblet From Walnut and Hazelnut

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After I turned the goblet last week, one person asked if I could have salvaged the original or make it from multiple pieces. YES. Here we go.
This one is walnut for the cup and base; hazelnut for the stem. it is 2.5 inches by 7 inches finished with shellac.
I also used a 0.25″ #2 Morse Taper collet to hold the spindle. Worked much better and safer than a Jacobs chuck.
- #2 Morse Taper 0.25″ Collet: Little Machine Shop #1747, about $11.95
- Draw bar, 3/8″ all thread; Hardware store
- 3/8″ knob, DIY or purchase.