Woodturning Classic Bowl – From Tree To Table

Pear Bowl 10"

In case this video cannot display here, it is also posted on YouTube and FaceBook.

I love turning green wood when I can get it. In this case, a microburst blew down a neighbor’s pear tree. Ornamental pear is often called Bradford Pear. After helping clear the trunk from my neighbor’s back yard, I had several pieces to turn. This wood came from a half section of that wood.

I rough turned the bowl, sealed it and put it away. Periodically, I weighed it and recorded the weight. From August 2019 to February 2021, the wood lost 31% of its weight. That loss is typical in my experience for fresh green wood.

The finished bowl is 10 inches diameter and 4 inches tall. Walnut oil provides a matt finish.


10 Responses to “Woodturning Classic Bowl – From Tree To Table”

  1. Gary Egbert says:

    I like the bowl, your process, and this pear wood. I have several smaller ash and walnut bowls I have turned from green work stock leaving half inch thick walls. I have coated them with a sealer much like you did in this video, but I wonder if you have any advice for speeding up the drying process. I have read about microwaving but wonder if there are other says.

    • I have tried many acceleration techniques including microwaving.
      Some may work in particular circumstances with a particular process and with a particular wood.
      But in general, Patience is the best technique

  2. Walter says:

    Hi Alan. The link on this page that is supposed to point to the YouTube video actually points to a photo of the bowls:


  3. Robert Grinstead says:

    another good video

  4. Robert Levin says:

    I enjoy and learn a lot from your videos.