Woodturning Miniature Basket – A Challenge Response

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I do not often turn miniatures. But, a challenge is a challenge – Turn a miniature in one day while participating in a challenge.
Okay – cannot spend a lot of time planning and selecting wood; barely enough time to glue two pieces of wood together.
Grab some scrap and go for it!
I chose to turn a small basket. However, it needs to dress up just a “little” bit.
I took a small piece of colored laminated wood, cut it in half and glued the faces together. Then turned a small basket.
How about a handle. My wife provided some 22 gauge copper or brass wire with different surface colors. I wound the wire together to form a handle – a perfect finishing touch. My basket is well dressed for the symposium.
Remember – The Christmas Ornament Challenge rapidly approaching. See www.OrnamentChallenge.com
22 gauge wire – Hobby Supply Shops
Wood – https://frogblanks.com/
Great idea for those little ‘accessories’ to a larger piece of turning i.e. Nutcracker or a Smoker.
Thanks for sharing.
How about doing a demo on a German Smoker?
A smoker would be interesting if I were not allergic to incense.
Very beautiful miniature.
For a long time, I’ve been turning miniatures here in Brazil, and appreciated very much your work.
Haroldo Martins (74)
Thank you Haroldo.
Miniatures could be perfect for the ornament challenge.
I love to turn miniatures as they make quick gifts. All your videos are appreciated. I am 85 and rather new at woodturning and I’m so very grateful for your help. Thank you.
Charles, You are welcome.