Woodturning Threaded Cherry Pod From Green Wood

Threaded Cherry PodThis video  is also posted to YouTube, Vimeo, and FaceBook. But, you’re already here!

I rough turned this cherry five years ago. At that time, it was freshly harvested. I turned the cylinder, cut tenons on both ends, and parted it in half. Then I had some good hollowing practice as I hollowed both pieces way too much. I then sealed the wood and taped the two pieces end to end and put them away to dry. The tape was supposed to keep the two pieces together over the years. It did not otherwise help the drying process.

Now the wood is dry and distorted. I have to refresh the tenons and true up both the interior and exterior. Since I recently completed my threading setup, I decided to thread this box. For threading, please watch this video.

Years ago, I made a mistake when I hollowed the wood. I cut the hollows way too deep. I left too little wood at the base for a good top and base. So for this, I decided to make a pod. A pod does not have to stand up. It can lie on its side. Since the box is threaded, the two pieces will not come apart.

My 5 x 2 inch pod is finished with lacquer buffed to a nice shine.


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