Inspiration From Grapes – Scrollsaw and Lathe

Grape Leaf Plate in MapleMay also be viewed via YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook – But best right here!

I got this idea from the Utah Woodturning Symposium, specifically Raleigh Lockhart’s presentation. It entails cutting a leaf shape on a scrollsaw then turning it on the lathe.

My leaf plate is a grape leaf about 6 inches in diameter and about 1 inch tall. It is turned from maple with a lacquer finish.

My process:

  1. Find a good shape from leaves in my yeard or on the internet.
  2. Prepare a pattern on my computer, including finding the center of the leaf.
  3. Preparing the wood and attaching the pattern to the wood.
  4. Sawing the leaf shape on the wood with a scrollsaw.
  5. Mounting to the lathe against a wood faceplate with tail stock pressure.
  6. Shaping the bottom and creating a mounting tenon.
  7. Reversing into a scroll chuck and shaping the top and interior.
  8. Reversing again to clean up the foot
  9. Sign the completed turning and finishing.

My wife likes this leaf plate. Therefore, it is a success. πŸ™‚

Good turning.

2 Responses to “Inspiration From Grapes – Scrollsaw and Lathe”

  1. Jerry Streeter says:

    Beautiful plate, your creativity isntruly inspiring. I’m currently working on bud vases from elm trimmings inspired by your video from a few weeks ago. Now I see I have another future project.

    • Alan says:

      I’ll keep the videos coming if you can keep watching. πŸ™‚
      Please tell your friends.
      Thank you