This year’s ornament video’s (in order of submission).
1.Kickoff – 2016 Christmas Ornament Challenge
–Alan Stratton |
2. My Christmas Ornament For 2016 Christmas Ornament ChallengeA simple ornament using a simple hollowing technique.
–Alan Stratton |
3. Drink Can Tinwork – How To Make A Star-Shaped Box
Here’s how to transform an ordinary beer or soda can into a lovely little star-shaped embossed box, without any special tools. –Mike Gurman |
4. Nativity scene – Presepe
Many wood Nativity scene – Mauro Migone |
5. Laser Cut Inlay Christmas Ornament The Christmas Ornament Challenge is now underway. I look forward to seeing what you come up with again this year. – Carl Jacobson |
6. Ornaments for Peter Brown Just a couple ornaments to encourage participation in the Christmas Ornament Challenge.
– Derek Oliver |
7. Cheeseburger Christmas Ornament
Here is my entry for the 2016 ornament challenge. – Patrick Laperrière (Pat Lap) |
8. Christmas Ornament From Last Year’s Christmas Tree
I found that part of Christmas tree from which grow branches suits to make very beautiful ornaments. – Bogdan Shykh |
9. The Acrylic Finial Bauble
The Ornament is constructed from clear and coloured transparent acrylic sheets for the body and a clear acrylic rod for the finials. It was turned on a wood lathe using hand tools with a combination of Robert Sorby zero jaws and a pen mandrel. – Jim Overton |
10. Santa at the Manger
As a father of three small children, Christmas has become very special to our family. I’ve learned how important the spirit of Santa Claus is and what it teaches them. As much as we love the excitement of Christmas morning, this concept of Santa kneeling at the manger helps put it all into perspective. – Ben Gustafson |
11. North Pole Sign 2016 Christmas Ornament Challenge
North Pole Lantern Sign 2016 Christmas Ornament Challenge – Lou LoGiudice |
12. 2016 Christmas Ornament Challenge – Bauble with LEDs
Bauble turned on its own stand, hollowed out and dyed red with food colouring,filled with LEDs and holes drilled so the lights can shine through – Jamie Page |
13. Inside Out Christmas Ornament For 2016 Challenge
Exterior from cedar with multi-wood Christmas tree inside. Finial is unknown tropical wood pen blank. – Alan Stratton |
14. Christmas Ornament, inside out turning
As the silly season is almost upon us, I thought it wood be a go idea to try my hand at turning an ornament on the lathe. |
15. Christmas Ornament 2016
A Christmas Ornament for the Challenge. – Mauro Migone |
16. Twisted Christmas Ornament
Handcrafted Christmas ornament with a twist made from red oak and walnut. – OJ Stevens |
17. DIY Santa Claus for Christmas Ornament
I made this Santa on my lathe using bitter orange and lime tree wood. – Dimitris Klonos |
18. Ornament Challenge 2016
My little snowman is looking forward to winter. This challenge is much appreciated, thanks Alan and Carl. – Peter Fabricius |
19. A Turned Christmas Ornament
Christmas Ornament with 2 captive rings. – Larry Sartin |
20. Christmas Ornament Challenge 2016
Redheart, Holly, and basswood strips are used to create this innovative Christmas ornament. – Jason Clark |
21. Star Finial Ornament
Snapshot video of turning star finial ornament – Walt Wager |
22. Not Quite Round – Christmas Ornament Challenge 2016
Here is a Santos Rosewood and Ash ornament that I turned with a hot glue block. Finished with satin wipe on poly – Mackenzie Hill |
23. Band Saw Reindeer
Very Quick and Dirty Video. Nothing fancy here. Rough cutting an “Evil” Reindeer on the Bandsaw with a blade that was way too thick for curves, add some black spray paint, and using an arduino micro to flash an LED to music. – Tim Keeley |
24. 2016 Christmas Ornament Challenge
I made this video for take place on the 2016 Christmas Ornament Challenge ! for this project i use olive wood and copper wire !! I hope you like it !! – Kostas Annikas Deftereos |
25. Chickadee Ornament – Short Version
This is a Short version of a longer video I made on woodturning a Chickadee ornament. Hollowing is done by simply drilling out and plugging the bottom. There is a link at the end of the video to download a detailed handout of this project. – Mike Peace |
2016 Videos 26 thru 50 |
Impossible idea without thumbnails of all ornaments together to make a valid choice. Good Idea, bad presentation.
Absolutely it is a tough task. However, I doubt that 117 thumbnails of sufficient size would fit on a page and also convey they talent displayed in their videos.
Comment accepted.
Merry Christmas.
I would just like to thank you so much, see your videos and others, where things don’t always go as planned,has given me the confidence to push through the odd disaster. One particular one was I had turned the top of a miniature bird house, I made two bottoms one afternoon both cracked as I had made them so thin, anyway made the bottom yesterday and was pleased with the outcome. Thanks again. Val
Perseverance paid off.
Please persevere with this channel.